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I think I was a bit of an uncooperative topic because I had never given much thought to such things as the writing process and what I want people to take away from my writing.wikipedia.org My theory was, just write it and get it done.ohchr.org Well. I've been interviewed a few time since then and learned to drum up fancy-sounding answers to probing questions because these poor people really do need some material to work with. I think maybe I got a little too good at this. Today a very nice woman from Brownsville was here to talk to me because she needs to interview an author for a communications class she's taking.

Oh my. I had never faced such detailed questions in my life. What is my goal when I write? What is my thought process? How much do I carry writing over into daily life, even when I'm not writing? When do I know I'm finished? Well, would you believe I really got into this. How flattering, that someone actually wants to know what I think about, how I visualize the writing process, what is most rewarding about it.theroxytheater.org I pulled vague dreamy NPR-sounding phrases out and dangled them around like I really knew what I was talking about. I'm afraid I enjoyed it way too much. And talked way too much. Bless her heart, Ms. Cieri never yawned or turned glassy-eyed. And she has enough material for Life In The Shoe three essays, at least.

Some companies will initially price their new product cheaply to develop a customer base. Other companies will initially price their products more expensively to make up for development expenses. Initial promotion of the product is typically directed at dedicated enthusiasts. During the growth stage, a company aims to develop brand recognition and increase their customer base. The quality of their product is often improved based on early reviews, and technical support is usually enhanced.news.com.au Pricing remains generally stable as demand continues with minimal competition. A larger distribution network is formed to keep up with the pace of demand. In the maturity stage, the steady sales start to decline and companies face greater challenges in the marketplace.

Competitors will often introduce rival products with the intent of grabbing some of the market share. This is the product life cycle stage in which the customer base is heavily fought over and price decreases most often occur. Additional features are added to distinguish a product from its competitors. Companies run promotions during this stage that highlight the primary differences between their product and their competitor’s products.newyorker.com In the decline stage, a company will make important decisions regarding the future of their product. They can choose to create new iterations of the product with new features, or they can reduce the price and offer it at a discount.

A company may choose to discontinue the product altogether, either disposing of their inventory or selling it to another company who is willing to manufacture and market it. Promotion at this stage will depend on whether a company chooses to continue its product, and how they plan to re-market it. The lifespan of a product is difficult to predict. Changes in technology and the needs of the marketplace will determine the product timeline. The collection strategies used to maintain a healthy product life cycle is referred to as product lifecycle management (PLCM). Understanding the above stages assist companies in determining how to effectively market, price, and sell its product through the course of the product life cycle.

Every year, hundreds of people in Second Life ™ give their time, creativity and money to help raise funds and awareness on behalf of the ‘American Cancer Society’ at FASHION FOR LIFE. But it’s not only the very best fashion you can expect to see this year but also dazzling art, beautiful buildings and a schedule of live events and fashion shows produced by SL’s top fashion agencies! Hanging Gardens of Babylon - Built by Patch Thibaud - Sponsored by Tres Beau Designs in honor of loved ones lost. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus - Built by nexuno Thespian - Sponsored by Leri Miles Designs, Quality mesh fashion for men and women. Colossus of Rhodes - Built by Rebeca Bashly - Sponsored by .:EMO-tions:.

The week will also host a schedule of live entertainment, music and catwalk events and each scheduled fashion show will reveal different outfits from the all new ‘Fashion for Life 2013’ collection.eeoc.gov 12:00 PM SLT: GRAND OPENING OF FASHION FOR LIFE 2013! 6:00 PM SLT - ANTONIO GALLOWAY IN CONCERT! BOSL Radio will also stream across all 9 sims in partnership with SL club ‘The Velvet’. There will be a public ‘BEST FFL PHOTO CONTEST’ for the duration of this event. The winner will receive items from participating FFL designers.colorado.gov "When I saw the amount of new and beautiful creations being made for FASHION FOR LIFE 2013, my head span like Linda Blair's in her best moment. How could we possibly showcase all this new fashion in one week while organizing the event at the same time? Thank God for SL FASHION AGENCIES! They all graciously jumped in to give us a hand.

At least once a year, I watch all six Thin Man movies. It is my own little festival. I have a comfortable chair and a relatively large flat screen TV in my small apartment in San Francisco. I am the only festival attendee, so it’s just me and a bottle of Cabernet. I don’t come to this subject with any particular expertise, no deep knowledge of Dashiell Hammett. It’s as much nostalgic as anything else. When I was young these films were on the late-night movies that followed the local news. A shamelessly self-promoting Indianapolis used car salesman who called himself "The King" hosted the program.

This little festival of mine seems particularly appropriate as we usher in 2013 (Year of the Snake, incidentally). A book of the previously unpublished Thin Man stories written by Hammett has just been published by Mysterious Press —Return of The Thin Man. What some might not know is that The Thin Man was the last novel Hammett wrote. That lone book was the basis for the popular film that launched five sequels, none of which were based on novels. However, as we discover now in this new book, he did write two pieces, the editors call "novellas," that relate to the next two Thin Man films, After The Thin Man and Another Thin Man.

My guess is that these pieces weren’t meant as standalone anything, but rather as story maps for the studio to take advantage of the popularity of the first film to create a franchise. There was money to be made for everyone at a time when it was difficult to make money. The book’s editors, Richard Layman and Julie M. Rivett, imply this. The Hammett novellas are essentially treatments. For some, the editors’ introduction to the two short pieces will add to our understanding of this stage of Hammett’s life. Surely the Continental Op was most reflective of the famous author’s early Pinkerton days. And Spade was a loner. Nick, on the other hand, had found his Nora when he embarked on The Thin Man.

And it doesn’t take a genius to see how Dashiell Hammett and his relationship with Lillian Hellman, however fictionalized and idealized it might be, inspired the hard partying, devil may care Nick and Nora idea. The year 2013 is also the year The Thin Man was to be remade, though it may not happen. Johnny Depp, who was to play Nick, has a complicated life — all sorts of projects and apparent personal issues. The remake was to go into production in November, I read, after Depp wrapped up his new and apparently expensive Lone Ranger film. It could still happen.

The search is still on for an actress to play Nora. Another thought, perhaps a descendant of Eddie, from the TV sit-com "Frasier" could play Asta. After all, the real Asta was a schnauzer, not a wirehair fox terrier as the dog is portrayed in all six films. So what would be wrong with a Jack Russell terrier taking he part? If you want to have your own festival, here are the Nick and Nora Charles films in the order they were made, noting that Hammett had decreasing influence on the final cut and virtually none for the last couple.

The Thin Man — This is the one that started them all, the one based on an actual Dashiell Hammett novel and made William Powell as Nick Charles and Myrna Loy as Nora Charles one of America’s favorite film couples. The film has a Christmas-New Year’s holiday theme, though I’m happy to say, it’s in the background. Maureen O’Sullivan plays the only sane member of a crazy family and a young and debonair Cesar Romero plays a gigolo. The film is a fantastic reflection of the times. After The Thin Man — This is one of my favorites. One of the reasons is that the lovely couple return to San Francisco and also because it takes place on New Years Eve. Perfect for tonight. Jimmy Stewart co-stars.

Another Thin Man — Baby makes three. Sheldon Leonard plays the heavy in this film set in Manhattan and Long Island. A creaky old mansion and creaky old people, says the creaky blogger, as well an elaborately designed murder and a slew of petty ante gangsters inhabit the whodunit. Watch for the big production number. Shadow Of The Thin Man — We’re back in San Francisco and off to the races. Donna Reed, Stella Adler and Barry Nelson are in the cast of this mystery featuring such characters as Spider Web and Rainbow Benny (they may be the same person, I’m not sure).

Pay attention to the wrestling match scene. Nice twist at the end. This time the big brawl is at an Italian restaurant at Fisherman’s Wharf. The Thin Man Goes Home — Maybe because it’s the small town backdrop. Maybe it’s because Nick has given up his martinis for apple cider and it seems to have turned him into Ozzie Nelson. Whatever the cause, this is my least favorite. While all the films offer some wonderful silliness, this one just seems contrived without redemption of a knowing wink. If you had to cut one from this list, this would be it.

Otherwise, it’s worthwhile just to know you saw them all. Song Of The Thin Man — It’s nice the series didn’t end on a low note. This one bounces back. New producers, directors and writers. Though the last couple of films were only based on "characters created by Dashiell Hammett," this one finds the formula. The film also benefits from a great supporting cast that includes one of my favorites from the "B" picture cast of characters, Gloria Grahame, plus Keenan Wynn, Jane Meadows, and a very young Dean Stockwell as Nick and Nora’s son. We are treated with ‘40s jazz, a floating casino and nightclub (Shades of Mr. Lucky), wet, foggy nights, and a telltale necklace. One of the pleasures is to see the stylish couple thirteen years after the first film, still elegant, still funny. If you are so inclined, think about a Thin Man Weekend Festival. Light-hearted, celebratory and certainly old lang syne.

my page: Life In The Shoe